
Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft




"Brexismus"-Veranstaltungen mit Rüdiger Görner am Donnerstag, den 19. April 2018, 19 Uhr im Frankfurter Presseclub und am Freitag, den 20. April 2018, 19 Uhr in Heidelberg

20.03.2018, Alter: 2222 Tag(e)

Die Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft, Sektion Rhein-Main und Rhein-Neckar lädt alle Interessierten zu dem Vortrag "Brexism - Reflections on Polititcal Irrationalism" von Professor Rüdiger Görner ein.

The ‚Brexit‘ is a watershed experience in postwar British and European history. Its implications are still as unclear as the political psychology behind it. In this lecture, Professor Rüdiger Görner will examine some of the political and cultural aspects of the Brexit and discuss the problematic fallout of this development, which has adopted an ideology-like character. Based on his numerous publications on the subject, which will appear in book form with Universitätsverlag Winter in Heidelberg to coincide with this lecture, he will also assess the consequences of Brexit for Anglo-German relations.

19.04.2018, 19 Uhr, Veranstaltungsort Frankfurt: Frankfurter Presseclub, Ulmenstraße 20, 60325 Frankfurt am Main

20.04.2018, 19 Uhr, Veranstaltungsort Heidelberg: Restaurant Zum Achter, Neuenheimer Landstraße 3a, 69120 Heidelberg