
Mayumi Taguchi

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Pepysian Meditations on the Passion of Christ

Edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, MS Pepys 2125

Mayumi Taguchi (Ed.), Yoko Iyeiri (Ed.)

Price: 55,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-4630-0
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 56
Available: 07.05.2019
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Textüberlieferung, Spätmittelalter, Mediaevistik, Textedition, Pseudo-Bonaventura, Passionsgeschichte, Jesus-Literatur

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The Historye of the Patriarks

Edited from Cambridge, St John’s College MS G.31. With Parallel Texts of “The Historia Scholastica” and the “Bible Historiale”

Mayumi Taguchi (Ed.)

Price: 72,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-5750-4
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 42
Available: 22.06.2010
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, volkssprachlicher Bibeltext, Textedition, mittelenglisch, Desmoulins, Guyard, Comestor, Peter

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