Money and Gender in the American Novel, 1850–2000

1. Auflage, 2010
526 Seiten

ISBN: 978-3-8253-5732-0
Sortiment: Buch
Ausgabe: Gebunden
Fachgebiet: Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Reihe: American Studies – A Monograph Series, Band: 184
lieferbar: 05.05.2010

Schlagwörter: gender studies, gender studies /Geld und Ökonomie, Gordon, Mary, Erdrich, Louise, Beecher Stowe, Harriet, Melville, Herman, Geld /kulturell, Ökonomie, kulturelles Kapital, Geschlechterforschung

Perhaps because money is frequently considered gender-neutral, studies of the nexus between financial resources, masculinities, and femininities in fiction have been rare. Yet, economics are a key aspect of gender constructions; conversely, the language of money is thoroughly gendered.
This study traces the representation of these interrelations in U.S.-American literature between 1850 and 2000. After historicizing the topic, it analyzes 35 novels with a focus on sexuo-economic relations that are more flexible and less hierarchical than hegemonic constructions. It simultaneously addresses the relationship between financial and cultural capital in terms of subject matter as well as style.
Attempting to reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of U.S.-American literature, the text chronicles the gradual revision of the ideology of separate spheres in which making money was an exclusively male task, while also documenting its tenacity at least in contemporary masculinity constructions.

Justyna Włodarczyk in: Polish Journal for American Studies, Vol. 5 (2011), 185ff

in: American Literature, Sept. 2011, 1f

Stefan L. Brandt in: querelles-net, Jg. 12, Nr. 1 (2011) []
