The Door Ajar

False Closure in Greek and Roman Literature and Art

66,00 € *

1. Edition, 2013
367 Pages

ISBN: 978-3-8253-5697-2
Product: Book
Edition: Hardcover
Subject: Klassische Philologie
Series: Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, Neue Folge, 2. Reihe, Volume No.: 132
Available: 07.10.2013

Keywords: Dramatik /Antike, Epigrammatik /Antike, Schlußgestaltung /Dramatik, antike Literatur, reader-response-criticism, Textualität, Strukturalismus, Literaturtheorie

When is “closure” in fact “false closure”, the deceptive opposite of apparent conclusion or perfection? 2009 marked the twentieth anniversary of the publication of Don Fowler's seminal essay “First Thoughts on Closure: Problems and Prospects” (MD 22: 75-122), a work that contributed greatly to bringing about a broad reconsideration in Ancient literary studies of the concept of closure whether understood as an ontological feature, an aesthetic concept, an appreciative inclination on the part of a work's audience or a psychological desire of the individual to control the “text” at hand. The present volume, ‚The Door Ajar: False Closure in Greek and Roman Literature and Art’, seeks to mark both a debt to the ongoing influence of Fowler’s work, and to frame a future discourse on false closure in particular as an artistic phenomenon.


Patrick Robiano in: L´Antiquité Classique, 86 (2017), 356ff

Lavinia Galli Milić in: Museum Helveticum, Vol. 72.2 (2015), 235f

Laura Jansen in: The Classical Review, 65.1 (2015), 105ff

in: New Testament Abstracts, 59/1 (2015), 197f

K. Sara Myers in: The Classical Journal, 2014.11.03, URL:

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