
Middle English Texts

Edited by Margaret Connolly, William Marx and Hans Sauer †

The aims of ‘Middle English Texts’ that were established at the beginning in 1975 continue to govern its programme of publication. The series publishes shorter Middle English texts that have not previously been edited or where existing editions can be improved upon, and parts of longer texts where a complete edition is not likely to appear in the foreseeable future. ‘Middle English Texts’ publishes a broad range of texts, both poetry and prose, including religious prose, historical writing, and scientific and medical texts. For texts that are translations into Middle English, editions provide the Latin or French source text where it is known.

Advisory Board: A. S. G. Edwards, Vincent Gillespie, Manfred Görlach, Michael Kuczynski, Linne Mooney, Oliver Pickering, Mayumi Taguchi

► Find additional information: MET project site at St Andrews University, UK

Middle English Texts

31 - 40 von 47 Einträgen

Three Sermons for 'Nova Festa', together with the 'Hamus Caritatis'

Edited from Caxton´s 1491 Edition of John Mirk´s 'Festial'

Susan Powell (Ed.)

Price: 23,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-5428-2
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 37
Available: 13.12.2007
Keywords: Altenglisch, Mittelenglisch, Predigt, Quelle, Geschichte 1380, Edition, Mittelenglich, Festial, Mirk, John

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The 'Exhortacion' from 'Disce Mori'

Edited from Oxford, Jesus College, MS 39

E A Jones (Ed.)

Price: 48,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-5204-2
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 36
Available: 09.05.2006
Keywords: Altenglisch, Disce Mori, Exhortacion

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John Trevisa´s Translation of the 'Polychronicon' of Ranulph Higden, Book VI

Ronald Waldron (Ed.)

Price: 64,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-1587-0
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 35
Available: 09.02.2004
Keywords: Übersetzung, Mittelenglisch, Ranulf, Polychronicon 6, Higden, Trevisa, John, Polychronicon

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The Middle English ‘Mirror’: Sermons from Advent to Sexagesima

Edited from Glasgow, University Library, Hunter 250. With a Parallel Text of The Anglo-Norman ‘Miroir’. Edited from Nottingham, University Library, Mi LM 4

Thomas G Duncan (Ed.), Margaret Connolly (Ed.)

Price: 45,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-1537-5
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 34
Available: 31.07.2003
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Kommentar, Überlieferungsgeschichte, Liturgie, Linguistik, Frömmigkeit, historische Sprachwissenschaft, Edition, England, Mediävistik, Textgeschichte, 13. Jahrhundert, 14. Jahrhundert, Predigtliteratur, Anglonormannisch, Mittelalter, Religiosität, Robert de Gretham

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Four Middle English Sermons

Veronica O’Mara (Ed.)

Price: 42,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-1463-7
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 33
Available: 09.12.2002
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, englische Literatur, 15. Jahrhundert, Predigtliteratur, Spofford, Thomas, politische Predigt

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La Estorie del Evangelie

A parallel-text edition

Celia Millward (Ed.)

Price: 61,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-0750-9
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 30
Available: 29.05.1998
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Evangelienliteratur, Leben Jesu, Neues Testament /Rezeption

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Of Shrifte & Penance: The Middle English Prose Version of the ‚Manuel des Péchés‘

Klaus Bitterling (Ed.)

Price: 56,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-0586-4
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 29
Available: 16.12.1997
Keywords: Busse, Moral, Mittelmeerländer /Mittelalterliche Geschichte

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The Kalendre of the Newe Legende of Englande

Ed. from Pynson’s printed edition, 1516

Manfred Görlach (Ed.)

Price: 66,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-0217-7
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 27
Available: 23.09.1994
Keywords: Legende, Literaturgeschichte, Großbritannien, Englisch, 16. Jahrhundert

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31 - 40 von 47 Einträgen