
American Studies – A Monograph Series

Edited on behalf of the German Association for American Studies by Astrid Franke and Timo Müller

“American Studies – A Monograph Series” is a leading forum for European scholarship in American Studies. It publishes books in both English and German that expand the field by contributing a uniquely transnational perspective on American literature and culture. Proposals or manuscripts can be sent anytime to the editors, Astrid Franke ( and Timo Müller (

American Studies – A Monograph Series

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Reshaping the Maze – Rewriting the Minotaur

Transformationen des Labyrinthmythos in der zeitgenössischen amerikanischen Erzählliteratur

Melina Gehring

Price: 35,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6193-8
Product: Book
Edition: Hardcover
Series: American Studies – A Monograph Series, Volume No. 235
Available: 22.07.2013
Keywords: Narratologie, Raumtheorie, Zeitgenössische Literatur, Labyrinth /i. d. Literatur, Danielewski, MArk Z., Eugenides, Jeffrey, Russell, Karen, Sherrill, Steven, Labyrinthmythos, Raum /i. d. Literatur, Minotaurus, Mythenforschung, amerikanische Literatur

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