
Middle English Texts

Edited by Margaret Connolly, William Marx and Hans Sauer †

The aims of ‘Middle English Texts’ that were established at the beginning in 1975 continue to govern its programme of publication. The series publishes shorter Middle English texts that have not previously been edited or where existing editions can be improved upon, and parts of longer texts where a complete edition is not likely to appear in the foreseeable future. ‘Middle English Texts’ publishes a broad range of texts, both poetry and prose, including religious prose, historical writing, and scientific and medical texts. For texts that are translations into Middle English, editions provide the Latin or French source text where it is known.

Advisory Board: A. S. G. Edwards, Vincent Gillespie, Manfred Görlach, Michael Kuczynski, Linne Mooney, Oliver Pickering, Mayumi Taguchi

► Find additional information: MET project site at St Andrews University, UK

Middle English Texts

11 - 20 von 47 Einträgen

A Middle English Statute-Book

Part II: Tracts. Edited from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson MS B 520

Claire Fennell (Ed.)

Price: 64,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-4652-2
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 57
Available: 18.09.2019
Keywords: England, Statuta Antiqua, Mediaevistik, 14. Jahrhundert, Rechtstexte, Mittelalter, Statutenbücher, Rechtsbücher, Statute-books

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Pepysian Meditations on the Passion of Christ

Edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, MS Pepys 2125

Mayumi Taguchi (Ed.), Yoko Iyeiri (Ed.)

Price: 55,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-4630-0
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 56
Available: 07.05.2019
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Textüberlieferung, Spätmittelalter, Mediaevistik, Textedition, Pseudo-Bonaventura, Passionsgeschichte, Jesus-Literatur

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Alexander and Dindimus

Edited from Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Bodley 264

Omar Khalaf

Price: 44,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6844-9
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 55
Available: 15.12.2017
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Indien, Orient, Edition, Alexander der Große, Mediaevistik, 14. Jahrhundert, Dindimus, fiktiver Briefwechsel, Gymnosophisten, Feldzug, Brahmanen, weisheitliche Literatur, Alliterative Poems, Alliterative Revival, Metrum

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Þe Instytucyonys and Specyal Dedys of Relygyows Carmelitys

Edited from London, Lambeth Palace, MS 192

Valerie Edden (Ed.)

Price: 58,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6709-1
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 54
Available: 29.11.2016
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Karmeliter, Spiritualität, Ordensgeschichte, Eremitentum, Scrope, Thomas, Bradley, Thomas, 15. Jahrhundert, Ribot, Felip, Mediaevistik

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The Middle English Text of ‘Caxton’s Ovid’, Books II–III

Edited from Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, MS F.4.34 with a Parallel Text of The ‘Ovide moralisé en prose II’. Edited from Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fonds français 137

Wolfgang Mager (Ed.)

Price: 65,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6594-3
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 53
Available: 07.03.2016
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Caxton, William, Ovid /Übersetzung, Ovid /Überlieferung, Altfranzösisch, Ovidius Naso, Publius, Ovid, Mediaevistik

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On Famous Women: The Middle English Translation of Boccaccio’s ‘De Mulieribus Claris’

Edited from London, British Library, MS Additional 10304

Janet Cowen (Ed.)

Price: 66,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6455-7
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 52
Available: 19.06.2015
Keywords: Übersetzung, Mittelenglisch, Humanismus, Mittellatein, Boccaccio, Mediaevistik, Boccaccio-Rezeption, Frauendarstellung, Frauenbilder, Frauengestalten

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John Page’s ‘The Siege of Rouen’

Edited from London, British Library MS Egerton 1995

Joanna Bellis (Ed.)

Price: 49,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6426-7
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 51
Available: 19.01.2015
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Frankreich, Mediaevistik, Verschronik, Page, John, Hundertjähriger Krieg, Heinrich V. Harfleur, Normandieliteratur, 15. Jahrhundert

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A Middle English Medical Remedy Book

Edited from Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 185

Francisco Alonso Almeida (Ed.)

Price: 40,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6412-0
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 50
Available: 21.11.2014
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Mediaevistik, Medizin /Mittelalter, Heilmittel /Mittelalter, Pflanzennamen, Zaubersprüche /Mittelalter

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Exornatorium Curatorum

Edited from Wynkyn de Worde’s Text in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, SP. 335.2

Niamh Pattwell (Ed.)

Price: 34,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6176-1
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 49
Available: 22.10.2013
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Mediaevistik, Corpus Christi College, Gerson, Jean, Kunst vom Sterben, Wynkyn de Worde, Glaubenslehre, Mittelalter, religiöse Unterweisung, Priestertum

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The Middle English ‘Liber Aureus and Gospel of Nicodemus’

Edited from London, British Library, MS Egerton 2658

William Marx (Ed.)

Price: 55,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6175-4
Product: Book
Edition: Softcover
Series: Middle English Texts, Volume No. 48
Available: 03.07.2013
Keywords: Mittelenglisch, Evangelienliteratur, Manuskriptedition, Leben Jesu

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11 - 20 von 47 Einträgen