Teaching the Posthuman

1. Auflage, 2019
206 Seiten

ISBN: 978-3-8253-6991-0
Sortiment: Buch
Ausgabe: Kartoniert
Fachgebiet: Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Reihe: anglistik & englischunterricht, Band: 89
lieferbar: 06.05.2019

Schlagwörter: Posthumanismus, EFL Classroom, Fachdidaktik Englisch, Tiergeschichten, Menschlichkeit, Hornung, Eva, Berger, John, Postkolonialismus, Ishiguro, Kazuo, Churchill, Caryl, Anderssein, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, Graphic Novels, Anthropomorphismus

The present collection takes stock of posthumanism and its theoretical development and impact in the field of Anglophone literary and cultural studies, with a particular focus on its role in education and the practice of teaching English.

Posthumanism informs work in environmental or ecological criticism, climate change research, or human-animal studies – and poses an educational challenge since it also affects curricular and pedagogic theory and practice. Moreover, humanist idea(l)s of subject formation and individually acquired competences have a direct bearing on conceptions of education. This is why the volume interrogates the potentials and pitfalls of posthumanist pedagogies and its connections with digitization, multiliteracies, non-European and non-anthropocentric thinking, and the role of literature pedagogy more generally, presenting case studies of teaching the posthuman from primary to tertiary levels.


in: Bibliographie Moderner Fremdsprachenunterricht, 2019/3 [Do-916-89]

Inhalt (PDF 247kB)